Saturday, July 18, 2009

Pretty Lights are pretty darn bodacious

In no way am I trying to claim that I am tight with Pretty Lights. I went to high school with the man behind the mystery, Derek Smith, and we did hang out even after high school for a while. I am also not going to claim that I am his numero uno fan/groupie, but I have been lucky enough to see him progress from the band Listen (also a great band) to what is now Pretty Lights. Fortunately it appears that my tastes in music have grown in a similar fashion.

Ironically, I had not been keeping tabs on Derek and while staying at Monsieur Louvre's house his brother told me about Derek getting some recognition for Pretty Lights. Two nights later I was at a house party where dancing was abundant and all these kids were going nuts about Pretty Lights. It took me a day to make the connection in the brain, but ever since I have been hooked.

The song that opens with the web page is Pretty Lights' Hot Like Sauce. It is the second track off the two disc album: Filling up the City Skies

You can get the album for free here. Download it, love it, then throw some $$$$ back at the artist.

The album works on so many levels. Crank up the volume and you have some beats that are just begging for your Derriere to start bouncing. Keep the volume low and it is perfect baby making music, especially when you have to sneak into the parental units house like you are 16.

Most songs are just happy uplifting get you dance on beats, often there are small samples, but the music is definitely original and doesn't give you that recycled feeling.

I have been bumping this non-stop now and it keeps getting better and better. Check Derek out, with Corey Eberhard at Red Rocks on July 25th. They will be opening for Sound Tribe Sector 9. Nice work Derek, you deserve it.

Overall, I give the Filling up the City Skies 5 Eiffel Towers

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